I Need Your Help

To my friends and colleagues, I need your help.

I apologize if you are receiving this email a second time – we had some technical issues the 1st time it was sent.

Please click on the image below and watch this short, 2-minute video explaining how and why I am asking for your help.

Do you know anyone who lost a job recently?

Do you know anyone who needs help leading their team through these troubled times?

I’m excited to announce 2 NEW Online Courses and my first book – in time to schedule them into your training curriculum OR share with a friend in need. 

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Don’t wait! 25% Discount on NEW Online Courses

Do you know someone who needs to find a job? Please share this post with them.

In this video, I share the announcement of my new Interviewing Skills Online Course titled “I Got The Job!” Use the coupon code NEWJOB25 before 4.30.2021 to receive your 25% discount.

Check out my new Interviewing Book, titled “I Got The Job!” 

Also discounted is my new Leadership Online Course: Performance Enhancing Feedback. Use the coupon code FEEDBACK25 before 4.30.2021 to receive your 25% discount.

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How Making Poor Choices Can Destroy Self-esteem

Have you ever made a choice that you regret?

Afterward, did you start questioning things about yourself – other than your decision making ability?

In this video, I discuss the potential to question more about yourself than you should be, based solely on having made some poor choices.

Check out my new Interviewing online course and book, both titled “I Got The Job!” The online course is discounted 25% until 4.30.21 when you use the Coupon code NEWJOB25.

Check out my new Leadership online course titled Performance Enhancing Feedback. Discounted 25% until 4.30.21 when you use the Coupon code FEEDBACK25.

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What We’re MOST Thankful For

Are you counting your blessings this Holiday Season?

Do you know what we are most thankful for?

In this video, hear my Holiday message at the end of a tough year.

Check out my new book (on Amazon) on Interviewing titled “I Got The Job!”

Need Leadership Training? Check out my online course titled Performance Enhancing Feedback. 

Leave us a comment or a question below this post. read more

Make Common Sense A Common Practice

Have you ever ignored common sense because you felt that you “knew better?”

Did you end up paying a price for that decision?

In Episode #1 of the “What I Learned Was” series I share a time when I thought I was bullet-proof, but wasn’t.

Check out my new book (on Amazon) on Interviewing titled “I Got The Job!” 

Leave us a comment or a question below this post.


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Share The LOVE Sale Event

Heather and I truly appreciate the LOVE you show us by subscribing to our newsletter and YouTube channel and leaving comments, likes, and shares.

To show our appreciation, we’re offering you a 20% discount on our most popular online course – Performance Enhancing Feedback.

This course teaches leaders how to deliver and receive performance feedback.

The discount extends through the end of February 2020.

Click here to view the package options, select your preferred package, and enter the discount code =&0=& to receive your course.

Shoot, share the link and code with a friend and let them get a LOVE discount too!

Click here to view the video directly on YouTube! read more

We’re back

After a crazy, longer than expected break from posting content, we’re ready to start posting again.

I’ll tell you all about it in the accompanying video.

You’ll also notice a change in the newsletter format – with a greater emphasis on video content and less on the written portion.

This change will allow us to post more content – in the format you told us you prefer.

As learning is shifting its emphasis from classroom training to online, we’re keeping pace and recently finished our first online training course, Performance Enhancing Feedback.

Be sure to check it out by clicking here, especially if your position requires you to give performance feedback to employees!

It’s good to be back, and thanks for your patience!

Leave us a comment or a question below this post and don’t miss the video on this topic on YouTube! read more

What Are YOU Thankful For?

Thanksgiving is a day for family get-togethers, pumpkin and sweet potato pie, turkey and ham with all the fixin’s, and thoughts and prayers of thanks for our bounty.

As our business turns to an online presence, Heather and I want to thank you for your continued support. We consider it an honor that you take the time to:

  • read our newsletters
  • watch our videos on YouTube
  • send us your comments and thoughts
  • sign up for classes

When I began teaching 39 years ago, I was a very different person. I knew much less, though I wouldn’t have admitted it then. Throughout the years, the greatest gifts I’ve received are the lessons I learned from my students.

The lessons come from those who:

  • confidently disagree with me
  • share their knowledge with me
  • are gracious enough to leave comments

I appreciate your gifts more than you know.

Who gave you a gift? What are YOU thankful for?

To acknowledge those who made a difference in your life, consider thanking someone who:

  • supported you
  • helped you in your career
  • taught you a valuable lesson
  • made you laugh when you needed it
  • encouraged you to believe in yourself

Find a specific reason to thank them, and realize that when you thank them for making a difference in your life, you make a difference in their life.

Giving Is The Only Reaching That Can Touch!

Travel safely, thaw the turkey before you deep fry it, go easy on the pies, and don’t snore too loudly because others want to watch the football games in peace!

Happy Thanksgiving!

That’s my perspective, what’s yours? Leave us a comment or question below this post, and don’t miss the video on this topic on YouTube!

P.S. In Two Weeks: Helping your Top Performers improve, even when they don’t believe they need to. read more

It’s Time To Celebrate And Only You Know Why

You’ve had your head down for a long, long time now. Isn’t it time to pick up your head, remove your nose from the grindstone and relax a bit while you take a 50,000-foot view of your successes?

You bet it is! You have reason to celebrate, but you haven’t… yet, and you need to. If not now, when?

What are you celebrating? That’s for you to determine, but there is something.

If you don’t yet know what it is, keep reading, and by the end of this letter, you will know. The more difficult it is to identify a reason to celebrate, the more you need to stop and celebrate.

Celebrating now will be difficult for several reasons:

  • your head has been down for so long it will be uncomfortable in any other position
  • an urgency to do more will make it feel like wasted time
  • deadlines of all types, like little haunting voices, will tell you not to stop – not even for a moment
  • any celebration will feel premature and uncomfortable

But the break and rest are necessary and serve many functions. They fuel your:

  • body with the energy needed to continue, when the time is right
  • mind with thoughts of accomplishment
  • heart with the courage to fight harder
  • spirit with the hope and expectation of the wonderful results just over the next hill and around the next corner
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    Why You Should Talk To People You Disagree With

    I have always believed that talking to people I disagree with has tremendous value, as does reading and watching content that promotes a viewpoint contrary to mine. I must admit, it’s not always easy, but I’m definitely wiser in the end.

    I’m pretty sure that perspective is not shared by all – especially lately. The divide between people with opposing views appears to be getting larger, to the point where I’m questioning whether the statement ‘agree to disagree and respectfully coexist’ still applies.

    I think the ‘it’s not easy’ part is helping to divide us when the ‘I’m wiser in the end’ part ought to be uniting us. What’s likely causing this divide?

  • News and talk shows promote more biased and skewed views of the facts, causing people to completely avoid some shows and gravitate to those they agree with.
  • Individuals spend more time in social media engineered echo chambers – having their viewpoints validated by like-minded individuals.
  • Businesses encourage employees not to discuss controversial subjects while at work.
  • Many companies foster unspoken mandates such as ‘we must all agree for the good of the team’ and ‘don’t say anything that might be upsetting to another.’
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