Power Phrases For Your Interview

This week’s tip is for anyone who makes presentations, facilitates meetings, addresses people in formal settings, or wants to be more effective in casual conversation. Several factors affect the successful delivery of a message; today’s tip is how to speak powerfully using impact words.

Has the following ever happened to you? You listen to two speakers deliver essentially the same message, one following the other. The first speaker puts you to sleep and the second one grabs your attention and keeps you riveted to every word.

The difference? One speaks dynamically, using powerful words and phrases, and the other would benefit by learning to do so. When you master powerful speaking you are one step closer to capturing and retaining your listener’s attention.

The key to using power phrases effectively lies in their simplicity. You deliver them simply and succinctly, adding no unnecessary words. The common mistake of adding unnecessary words dilutes the power of the message.

It’s like adding too much water to an otherwise perfect cup of coffee or tea. It will be the perfect strength until you water it down, diluting it.

As you focus on using the fewest words, however, make sure to deliver a complete sentence or thought. A complete sentence is one that provides sufficient information for your listener to fully understand the message.

Tailoring your statements to the audience is essential. You deliver more information for some and less for others, based on their level of understanding.

A partial list of power phrases would include:

  • There is no doubt in my mind
  • I am convinced that….
  • I assure you…
  • I am confident that…
  • I am positive that…
  • I guarantee you that
  • I am sure that…
  • I am certain that…
  • I firmly believe…
  • I have no hesitation in saying…
  • I promise you that…
  • I have been repeatedly complemented on…
  • I am ready and prepared to…
  • I am extremely fortunate that…

These phrases are definitive; there is no room for misinterpretation. They carry substantial weight and gain attention when delivered slowly and with emphasis.

In many ways they are like the punch line of a joke; delivered well, it impacts the audience, so take your time saying them.

When do you use power phrases? That depends on the situation. In interviews I like using them in my introduction, closing, and to make an important point. I also like using them to make comparisons.

In speeches, presentations and when facilitating meetings I like to spread them out and use them for emphasis of key points.

Can you over-use them? Definitely! If every statement is a power phrase you will wear your audience out with too much impact. The net effect of that is that no sentence will stand out from the others – because they are all heavy hitters.

Play around with these and design some power phrases of your own; ones that convey your personality and are natural for you to say.

I guarantee they will make a difference.

That’s my perspective, what’s yours? Leave us a comment or question below this post and don’t miss the video on this topic on YouTube!

2 thoughts on “Power Phrases For Your Interview”

    1. And there are more of those than people often realize – critical moments that have a huge effect on our future. Thanks for your comment, David.

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